Sheryl Standiford

Agriculture Teacher

Lago Vista High School
Higher Education Degrees
BS, Agriculture Science, Texas A&M University
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After teaching 8th grade science for 20 years, Sheryl decided to make a change.  She moved to the High school level to teach Agriculture.  At the high school level, she has taught many different classes, including Career Prep and Teen Leadership.  The subjects she currently teaches are Principles of Agriculture, Floral Design, Advanced Floral Design, Landscape and Turf Management and Plant and Soil Science.  She has several other roles at her school, which include FFA Advisor, Sub-Varsity Volleyball Coach and Middle School Golf Coach.

Project Description

Sheryl's Project was focused on the conservation practices used at the  Balcones Canyonlands National Refuge, which is local to where her students live.  The Students are learning how prescribed fire and multispecies grazing can help benefit the habitat on the refuge.  The students will use the RAP program to help see how the refuge land has change over time and then predict what will happen if these conservation practices are continued.

Sheryl Standiford