
Laura Goodman

Southern Plains Podcast 2022. Episode #57-The Prairie Project--batch burning, cattle, and, goats at Oklahoma State University

Laura Goodman

Red Dirt Agronomy Podcast. 2022. Episode #107 Rangeland Health, Fire and Goats, Birds of Walmart with Dr. Laura Goodman.

Sam Fuhlendorf

ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture Episode 270. Grazing with Wildlife in Mind, Part 2

Sam Fuhlendorf

ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture Episode 269. Grazing with Wildlife in Mind, Part 1

Cooper Sherrill and Laura Goodman

Extension Experience - Managing Goats for the OK Prairie Project with Cooper Sherrill and Laura Goodman

Cooper Sherrill and Laura Goodman

Extension Experience - Fire, Goats and Cattle: A Recipe for Native Range Improvement with Laura Goodman and Cooper Sherrill

Laura Goodman

Oklahoma Gardening Podcast #405 with Laura Goodman

Dirac Twidwell

CGS Podcast: Putting Monitoring into Practice - Strategies for Large-Scale Conservation with Dirac Twidwell

Sam Fuhlendorf

Farm to Market Podcast: Episode 11 Fooling with Fire! With Sam Fuhlendorf and Derrell Peel

Sam Fuhlendorf

Fire University Episode 04 - Patch-Burn-Grazing as a Strategy to Manage Grassland Communities with Sam Fuhlendorf and Bob Hamilton

Sam Fuhlendorf

Center for Grassland Studies Podcast: Anthropocene - Should We Look to Aldo Leopold or George Jetson? with Sam Fuhlendorf and Dirac Twidwell

Sam Fuhlendorf

Art of Range 29: Sam Fuhlendorf Part 2, Conserving Pattern & Process Through Creative Grazing

Sam Fuhlendorf

Art of Range 28: Sam Fuhlendorf Part 1, Managing Rangelands for Heterogeneity