
The Prairie Project provides intensive educator training and curricular development to design high-impact learning experiences in K-12 and postsecondary classrooms. We utilize inclusive teaching principles to ensure the success of all students and encourage the persistence of underrepresented minority students in science.
The Prairie Project has organized a certificate program involving teacher and faculty learning communities and supported them in designing high-impact learning experiences for their students. The goal of this program is to create agents of change among secondary and undergraduate educators.

Educators who completed our certificate program achieved the following:

  • Designed and implemented high-impact learning experiences for students
  • Promoted and assessed students’ rangeland literacy and attitudes toward rangelands.
  • Conducted collaborative research in the areas of teaching and learning
Prairie project education
prairie project education

Our learning community of educators bring science and technology to secondary and undergraduate classes. Active learning experiences, such as collaborative learning, case studies, authentic inquiries, and research experiences significantly improve student engagement, performance, and attitude. We design hands-on learning experiences, including citizen science research projects, to improve student motivation and performance. We encourage innovative approaches that promote science literacy, critical thinking, and action research.