Jay Angerer

Research Leader for the USDA-Agricultural Research Service’s Livestock and Range Research Laboratory in Miles City, Montana USA

Dr. Jay Angerer currently serves as the Research Leader for the USDA-Agricultural Research Service’s Livestock and Range Research Laboratory in Miles City, Montana USA. Dr. Angerer received a B.S. in Range Management from Texas Tech University, and a M.S. and PhD in Range Science/Rangeland Ecology and Management from Texas A&M University. His research endeavors primarily focus on developing early warning systems for drought and livestock management, leveraging remote sensing technologies to evaluate trends in rangeland conditions and developing tools and information systems aimed at assisting producers in adaptive management decision-making. Dr. Angerer has led or collaborated on studies in 14 countries, showcasing his dedication to global environmental stewardship. In recognition of his expertise and contributions to the field, Dr. Angerer was honored with a United States Fulbright Specialist Award in 2015, enabling him to collaborate with researchers in Peru on the development of livestock early warning system technology.